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little string of pom pom dingle dangle~ness ...


good grief! 
where oh where has march run away to?
did you think i had forgotten? did you think old Tif was beginning to wander from her little stringy path. well i would not blame you for thinking such things. for indeedy, i have gotten March's little string of happy giveway in by the skin of my teeth /////////////////////////// oh! do you see that little pattern, it just happened, when i was trying to delete, instead i did this ////////////////////////// well that is quite peachy looking and so i think i will leave it just as it is

so there we have it, right on the very last day of March we have a 'little string of pom pom dingle dangle~ness' to give away, and not just one, but three. 
how marvelous indeedy.

these little strings are quite easy peasy to make, i do not have pics to show how you do so, but its quite easy to explain.
make 2 pom poms leaving tails (one larger than the other)
thread together
add a vintage cotton spool
add a button onto your thread

add a little saying typed on paper

add a little crepe paper flower or more if you wish
at the top of your itty bitty paper, tie another string for dingle dangling

so if perchance you think your nest may like a little pom pom dingle dangle~ness going on, then please do the following things

1: leave your name and a way to get hold of you. an email address or obvious link through to somewhere that has your email or contact details within easy reach, so i am not on a wild goose chase

2: tell me the nicest thing that happened to you this month, or perhaps the nicest thing you did for another

3: do not fret if you do not see your comment appear at once for i moderate my comments and will check in from time to time to publish them. please, just one comment per dearie.

4: ummmm, ///////////////// nope, cannot think there is anything else i am missing

5. yes! silly, there is! i have 3 of these little strings this month to give away so there are 3 winners and i will announce them this friday

6. this giveaway is open to anyone, anywhere around this old world of ours

righty ho, upwards and onwards to April it is ....

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