First Saturday of June,
the Holy Father has appointed
a new Bishop of Aberdeen.
Right Reverend
Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B.
until now
the Abbot of Pluscarden Monastery,
near Elgin in the diocese of Aberdeen.
Thank you, Holy Father!
First Saturday of June,
the Holy Father has appointed
a new Bishop of Aberdeen.

Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B.

the Abbot of Pluscarden Monastery,
near Elgin in the diocese of Aberdeen.
Thank you, Holy Father!
“The Holy Father, Benedict XVI, has nominated me to succeed Bishop Peter Moran as Bishop of Aberdeen. As a Catholic Christian and Benedictine monk, I accept this as the call of Christ, and, trusting in the help of God and the saints, intend to give myself wholeheartedly, like my predecessors, to the lay people, religious, priests and deacons of this beautiful diocese. ...
“I have much to learn, and it will not be easy to leave my monastery after 37 years. But I do so knowing that I am not going among strangers. I commend myself to the kind hearts and prayers of all whom I am called to serve. Together in Christ may we shine with the light of his Resurrection!”
Il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della diocesi di Aberdeen (Scozia), presentata da S.E. Mons. Peter Anthony Moran, in conformità al can. 401 § 1 del Codice di Diritto Canonico.
Il Papa ha nominato Vescovo di Aberdeen (Scozia) il Rev.do Padre Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., finora Abate del monastero di Pluscarden.
Rev.do Padre Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B.
Il Rev.do Padre Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., è nato a Emsworth Hants, in Inghilterra, il 15 marzo 1952 da famiglia anglicana. È stato ricevuto nella Chiesa Cattolica a 18 anni, la vigilia di Natale del 1970. Educato in varie scuole a Londra, ha poi frequentato il King's College dell'Università di Londra conseguendovi il Baccalaureato in Storia nel 1974.
Entrato nel monastero di Pluscarden in Scozia, è stato successivamente inviato a Fort Augustus Abbey per gli studi e la preparazione al sacerdozio. Ha emesso la professione monastica solenne nel 1979 ed è stato ordinato sacerdote il 29 giugno 1982.
A Pluscarden, nel 1984, è diventato Sotto-Priore e Vice Maestro dei novizi; nel 1985 Maestro dei novizi. Nominato Priore nel novembre 1990, è stato eletto Abate del monastero il 29 ottobre 1992 e benedetto l'8 dicembre dello stesso anno.
È stato membro del Consiglio dell'Unione dei Superiori monastici dal 1993 al 1997 e dell'Abbot Visitor's Council dal 1995 ad oggi.
English translation:
The Holy Father Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation from pastoral leadership of the Diocese of Aberdeen (Scotland), offered by His Excellency, Mons. Peter Anthony Moran, in conformity with Can. 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law.
The Pope has named as Bishop of Aberdeen (Scotland) the Rev. Father Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., until now the Abbot of the Monastery of Pluscarden.
Rev. Father Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B.
The Reverend Father Hugh Gilbert, O.S.B., was born at Emsworth Hants, in England, on 15th march 1952 of an Anglican family. He was received into the Catholic Church when he was 18, on the vigil of Christmas in 1970. He was educated at various schools in London and then went on to King’s College of the University of London, gaining his Degree in History in 1974.
He entered the Monastery of Pluscarden in Scotland and was later sent to the Fort Augustus Abbey for studies and preparation for the priesthood. He made his solemn monastic profession in 1979 and was ordained a priest on 29th June 1982.
At Pluscarden, in 1984, he became the Sub-Prior and Vice-Master of Novices; in 1985 Master of Novices. Named Prior in November 1990, he was elected Abbot of the Monastery on 29th October 1992 and blessed on 8th December of the same year.
He was a member of the Council of the Meeting of Monastic Superiors from 1993 to 1997 and the Abbot Visitor’s Council from 1995 until today.
(Thanks to JRB, Queensland, Australia for offering us the translation!)