Third Anniversary
of our
Reconciliation with the Holy See.
As the evening falls our fourth year begins.
We thank God for the grace of undisputed union with Peter
and the approval of our Constitutions by the Holy See.
We earnestly await canonical erection
and the ordinations of our three candidates.
We recommend this intention to your prayers.
...sed et gloriamur in tribulationibus:
scientes quod tribulatio patientiam operatur
patientia autem probationem,
probatio vero spem,
spes autem non confundit:
quia caritas Dei diffusa est
in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum,
qui datus est nobis.
... but we glory also in tribulations;
knowing that tribulation worketh patience,
and patience trial,
and trial hope,
and hope confoundeth not;
because the charity of God is poured forth
in our hearts by the Holy Ghost,
Who is given to us.
(Whit-Saturday Epistle
Rom. 5: 3-5)
Papa Stronsay
Sanctuary too, where God is pleased to dwell.
His footstool on the seas.
Golgotha, place of The Eternal Sacrifice;
and salutary tribulations
in which, by God's grace, we glory yet.
And there was evening and morning
the fourth year.
scientes quod tribulatio patientiam operatur
patientia autem probationem,
probatio vero spem,
spes autem non confundit:
quia caritas Dei diffusa est
in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum,
qui datus est nobis.
... but we glory also in tribulations;
knowing that tribulation worketh patience,
and patience trial,
and trial hope,
and hope confoundeth not;
because the charity of God is poured forth
in our hearts by the Holy Ghost,
Who is given to us.
(Whit-Saturday Epistle
Rom. 5: 3-5)
Sanctuary too, where God is pleased to dwell.
His footstool on the seas.
Golgotha, place of The Eternal Sacrifice;
and salutary tribulations
in which, by God's grace, we glory yet.
And there was evening and morning
the fourth year.