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In viam pacis... Brothers on pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres.

Nine Transalpine Redemptorists
in the company of several thousands of other traditional Catholics
set out on foot this morning on the annual pilgrimage from
the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris
to the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Chartres.
The distance is 100 Kms.
They will arrive on Monday.

The following clips of the pilgrimage
taken two years ago
set the scene.

Scenes from the Cathedral in Chartres
on the last day of the pilgrimage.

Those who set out from Papa Stronsay:
Fr. Anthony Mary
Br. Yousef Marie
Br. Jean Marie
Br. Magdala Maria
Br. Martin Mary
Br. Gerardo Maria
Br. Bernard Maria
Mr. Mills
Mr. Lunsford

Antiphon and collects of the Itinerarium.

Ant. In viam pacis et prosperitátis dírigat nos omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus, et Angelus Ráphaël comitétur nobíscum in via; ut cum pace, salúte et gáudio revertámur ad própria. Allelúja.

Ant. Into the way of peace and prosperity may the Almighty and merciful Lord direct us; and may the Angel Raphael be our companion on the way, that with peace, safety and joy, we may return once more to home. Alleluia.

Deus, qui fílios Israël per maris médium sicco vestígio ire fecísti, quique tribus Magis iter ad te stella duce pandísti : tríbue nobis, quæsumus, iter prósperum tempúsque tranquíllum ; ut, Angelo tuo sancto cómite, ad eum quo pérgimus locum, ac demum ad ætérnæ salútis portum perveníre felíciter valeámus.

Let us pray.
O God, who didst cause the sons of Israel to go through the midst of the sea dry-shod, and who for the three Wise Men didst open a road to thyself by the guidance of a star, grant to ourselves we pray a prosperous journey and a quiet time, that with thy holy Angel for companion, we may be enabled to attain successfully to the place whither we are going, and thereafter to the harbour of eternal salvation.

Deus, qui Abraham púerum tuum, de Ur Chaldæórum edúctum, per omnes suæ peregrinatiónis vias illæsum custodísti; quæsumus, ut nos fámulos tuos custodíre dignéris : esto nobis, Dómine, in procínctu suffrágium, in via solátium, in æstu umbráculum, in plúvia et frígore teguméntum, in lassitúdine vehículum, in adversitáte præsídium, in lúbrico báculus, in naufrágio portus ; ut, te duce, quo téndimus, próspere perveniámus, et demum incólumes ad própria redeámus.

O God, who didst guard thy servant Abraham, led forth from Ur of the Chaldees, unharmed through all his pilgrimage and paths, we beg thee, that thou wouldst deign to guard us thy servants: be, Lord, our surety in siege, our solace on the way, our shade in heat, our shelter in rain or cold; when we are weary, carry us; in adversity, be our stronghold; in slippery paths, our staff; in shipwreck, our harbour; so that with thee for guide, we may happily reach whither we are tending, and thereafter return safely to our own.

Adésto, quæsumus, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris : et viam famulórum tuórum in salútis tuæ prosperitáte dispóne ; ut, inter omnes viæ et vitæ hujus varietátes, tuo semper protegámur auxílio.

Be attentive, O Lord, we pray thee, to our entreaties, and dispose the path of thy servants, and make it prosperous and save them, so that amid all the changes of this our world and way, we may ever be protected by thy help.

Præsta, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus : ut família tua per viam salútis incédat ; et, beáti Joánnis Præcursóris hortaménta sectándo, ad eum quem prædíxit, secúra pervéniat, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum : Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum.
R. Amen.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that thy family may go forward by the path of salvation, and, following the preaching of blessed John the Fore-Runner, may come in peace to him, whom he foretold, even Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord, who with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit liveth and reigneth, God, for ever and ever.
R. Amen.


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