Third Sunday in Lent.
Station at St. Lawrence Without the Walls.
(S. Lorenzo fuori le mura.)
Station at St. Lawrence Without the Walls.
(S. Lorenzo fuori le mura.)
The Laurentian basilica owes its foundation to Constantine,
but being considered too small,
a large upper aula
was added to it by Pope Pelagius II (A.D. 578 - 590)
and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For this reason Pope Leo IV (A.D. 847 - 855)
decreed that the Station for the Octave of the Assumption
should be held there.
The Gospel of today alludes to this dedication
by praising the great Mother of God,
who not only gave Her own substance to form the sacred humanity
of the Lord's Anointed, but was, on Her part,
nourished spiritually by the divine Word and lived thereby.
Let us pray.
(In Dominica III. Quadragesimae)
Quarti nunc et decimi diei de nostrorum dierum...
Having now passed the fourteenth day of this season,
which forms the tithe of our year,
we lift up our eyes to Thee, O Lord,
who dwellest in heaven.
Show mercy to the miserable,
and heal them that are wounded.
Grant that the journey we have begun
may be prosperous.
Direct our hearts in the way of Thy commandments.
Through Thee may we find theway of light;
through Thee may we be inflamed
with the bright burning of Thy love.
Grant rest to our labours;
that having gained Thy good-pleasure
by our observance of t hese days,
we may deserve to be partakers of Thy glory. Amen.
(Mozarabic breviary)
but being considered too small,
a large upper aula
was added to it by Pope Pelagius II (A.D. 578 - 590)
and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For this reason Pope Leo IV (A.D. 847 - 855)
decreed that the Station for the Octave of the Assumption
should be held there.
The Gospel of today alludes to this dedication
by praising the great Mother of God,
who not only gave Her own substance to form the sacred humanity
of the Lord's Anointed, but was, on Her part,
nourished spiritually by the divine Word and lived thereby.
Let us pray.
(In Dominica III. Quadragesimae)
Quarti nunc et decimi diei de nostrorum dierum...
Having now passed the fourteenth day of this season,
which forms the tithe of our year,
we lift up our eyes to Thee, O Lord,
who dwellest in heaven.
Show mercy to the miserable,
and heal them that are wounded.
Grant that the journey we have begun
may be prosperous.
Direct our hearts in the way of Thy commandments.
Through Thee may we find theway of light;
through Thee may we be inflamed
with the bright burning of Thy love.
Grant rest to our labours;
that having gained Thy good-pleasure
by our observance of t hese days,
we may deserve to be partakers of Thy glory. Amen.
(Mozarabic breviary)