Of Your Charity
Please Pray for the Soul
Mr. Craig Smith, R.I.P.
the Father
of our
Brother Dominic Mary, F.SS.R.
Who Passed away in
Palmerston North,
New Zealand,
10th March,
and will be buried
15th March, 2011.
Please Pray for the Soul
Mr. Craig Smith, R.I.P.
the Father
of our
Brother Dominic Mary, F.SS.R.
Who Passed away in
Palmerston North,
New Zealand,
10th March,
and will be buried
15th March, 2011.
when they visited Papa Stronsay,
5 July, 2004.
DEUS, cui proprium est...
O GOD, whose property is
ever to have mercy and to spare,
we humbly supplicate Thee
for the soul of Thy servant Craig,
which Thou hast this day called out of this world,
that Thou deliver it not to the hands of the enemy,
nor forget it forever,
but command for it to be received by the holy angels
and taken to Paradise, its home,
so that,
since it hath hoped and believed in Thee,
it may not bear the pains of hell,
but possess everlasting joys.
Through our Lord.
(Collect from the Mass of the Day of Burial.)

We offer our deepest sympathy to
Brother Dominic Mary, his Mother, brother and sisters
and assure them of our union with them at this time
through our Masses, rosaries, prayers and affection.
Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine:
et lux pérpetua lúceat ei.
Eternal rest grant unto him. O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Requiéscat in pace.
May he rest in peace.
Brother Dominic Mary, his Mother, brother and sisters
and assure them of our union with them at this time
through our Masses, rosaries, prayers and affection.
Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine:
et lux pérpetua lúceat ei.
Eternal rest grant unto him. O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Requiéscat in pace.
May he rest in peace.