Saturday of the Second Week of Lent.
Station at SS. Marcellinus and Peter.
(SS. Marcellino e Pietro.)
Today's Station was built during the lifetime of Pope Siricius (A.D. 385 - 398)
and according to Roman the custom,
it probably marks the dwelling-place on that spot
of one at least of the two martyrs whose name it bears:
St. Marcellinus, priest and St. Peter, exorcist.
Pope Saint Damasus
We know from Pope Damasus (A.D. 366 - 384)
that as a boy
he learnt the circumstances of their martyrdom
from the lips of the executioner himself.
"Percussor retulit mihi Damaso cum puer essem."
As the Liturgy of this day lays great stress
on the contrast between the two brothers, Esau and Jacob,
and between the faithful son and the prodigal,
it is possible that underneath there lies an allusion
to that executioner,
who expiated his crime by baptism and penance.
Let us pray.
I would mourn over the sins of my wretched life;
but where shall I begin?
O Jesus! how shall I commence the lamentation
I fain would make this day?
Do thou, my merciful God, forgive me my sins.
Come, my poor soul and thou, too, my body,
come, and confess to the great Creator;
and, henceforth, restrain your senseless passions,
and offer to God the tears of repentance.
Now is the time for repentance.
I come to Thee, O my Creator!
Take from me the heavy yoke of my sins,
and for Thy mercy's sake
Pardon me my crimes.
Do Thou, my Saviour and my merciful God,
pardon me my sins,
deliberate or indeliberate,
public or private,
known or unknown.
Have mercy on me and save me!
Station at SS. Marcellinus and Peter.
(SS. Marcellino e Pietro.)
Today's Station was built during the lifetime of Pope Siricius (A.D. 385 - 398)
and according to Roman the custom,
it probably marks the dwelling-place on that spot
of one at least of the two martyrs whose name it bears:
St. Marcellinus, priest and St. Peter, exorcist.

We know from Pope Damasus (A.D. 366 - 384)
that as a boy
he learnt the circumstances of their martyrdom
from the lips of the executioner himself.
"Percussor retulit mihi Damaso cum puer essem."
As the Liturgy of this day lays great stress
on the contrast between the two brothers, Esau and Jacob,
and between the faithful son and the prodigal,
it is possible that underneath there lies an allusion
to that executioner,
who expiated his crime by baptism and penance.
Let us pray.
I would mourn over the sins of my wretched life;
but where shall I begin?
O Jesus! how shall I commence the lamentation
I fain would make this day?
Do thou, my merciful God, forgive me my sins.
Come, my poor soul and thou, too, my body,
come, and confess to the great Creator;
and, henceforth, restrain your senseless passions,
and offer to God the tears of repentance.
Now is the time for repentance.
I come to Thee, O my Creator!
Take from me the heavy yoke of my sins,
and for Thy mercy's sake
Pardon me my crimes.
Do Thou, my Saviour and my merciful God,
pardon me my sins,
deliberate or indeliberate,
public or private,
known or unknown.
Have mercy on me and save me!