Some traditional Catholics do not want to recognise
that Pope John XXIII was a true Pope
others dismiss his beatification and holiness of life.
that Pope John XXIII was a true Pope
others dismiss his beatification and holiness of life.
I am struck by words often prayed in the Divine Office:
Fratres: Non enim qui seipsum commendat, ille probatus est;
sed quem Deus commendat.
Brethren: For he is not approved who commends himself,
but whom God commends.
(2 Cor. 10:17-18 ).
Blessed Pope John XXIII
has been raised to heavenly glory
in proof of which, through his intercession,
Sister Caterina Capitani was instantly healed
as we have related.
Some would not commend him
God commends him!
Blessed John XXIII
~ quem Deus commendat.
the grave wherein is laid
the body of the
'very wise doctor and priest',
Father Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga,
the Spiritual Father of the Sedevacantist movement
is silent.
During his life many approved him,
lauded his intelligence,
attended his lectures,
acknowledged his leadership above the Pope's,
and saw his actions as vital for the survival of the Church:
But his tomb is silent.
As of yet he has produced no miracle
to prove that his more than 50 books were right.
Brethren: He is not approved who commends himself,
but whom God commends.
(2 Cor. 10:17-18 ).
Fr. Joaquín Sáenz y Arriaga, S.J.
(Oct. 12, 1899 - April 28, 1976).
Doctor of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law,
international lecturer,
author of over fifty books
"The new Montinian Church",
"Sede Vacante: Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope",
"Vacant See."
He believed and taught that
the claimants to the papacy after Pope Pius XII
were invalid claimants.
As a result of this, in 1972,
he was excommunicated by Cardinal Miranda
and the Roman Catholic bishops' conference of Mexico.
Fr. Sáenz died of cancer on April 28, 1976.
He lies in a silent grave.
Tu es Petrus,
et super hanc petram ædificabo Ecclesiam meam.
(Mt. 16:18)
Hic est lapis,
qui reprobatus est a vobis ædificantibus...
(Act 4:11).
Thou art Peter
and upon this rock I will build my Church.
(Mt. 16:18).
This is the stone
which was rejected by you the builders.
(Act 4:11).
Blessed John XXIII
~quem Deus commendat~
in your stupendous miracle
approved by God,
pray for us!
Fratres: Non enim qui seipsum commendat, ille probatus est;
sed quem Deus commendat.
Brethren: For he is not approved who commends himself,
but whom God commends.
(2 Cor. 10:17-18 ).
Blessed Pope John XXIII
has been raised to heavenly glory
in proof of which, through his intercession,
Sister Caterina Capitani was instantly healed
as we have related.
Some would not commend him
God commends him!
Blessed John XXIII
~ quem Deus commendat.

the grave wherein is laid
the body of the
'very wise doctor and priest',
Father Joaquin Saenz y Arriaga,
the Spiritual Father of the Sedevacantist movement
is silent.
During his life many approved him,
lauded his intelligence,
attended his lectures,
acknowledged his leadership above the Pope's,
and saw his actions as vital for the survival of the Church:
But his tomb is silent.
As of yet he has produced no miracle
to prove that his more than 50 books were right.
Brethren: He is not approved who commends himself,
but whom God commends.
(2 Cor. 10:17-18 ).

(Oct. 12, 1899 - April 28, 1976).
Doctor of Philosophy, Theology and Canon Law,
international lecturer,
author of over fifty books
"The new Montinian Church",
"Sede Vacante: Paul VI is not a legitimate Pope",
"Vacant See."
He believed and taught that
the claimants to the papacy after Pope Pius XII
were invalid claimants.
As a result of this, in 1972,
he was excommunicated by Cardinal Miranda
and the Roman Catholic bishops' conference of Mexico.
Fr. Sáenz died of cancer on April 28, 1976.
He lies in a silent grave.

et super hanc petram ædificabo Ecclesiam meam.
(Mt. 16:18)
Hic est lapis,
qui reprobatus est a vobis ædificantibus...
(Act 4:11).
Thou art Peter
and upon this rock I will build my Church.
(Mt. 16:18).
This is the stone
which was rejected by you the builders.
(Act 4:11).
Blessed John XXIII
~quem Deus commendat~
in your stupendous miracle
approved by God,
pray for us!