The Old Papay Gallery has been launched on papastronsay.com featuring photos from the 1930s which were kindly given to us by Mrs Nan Scott. Any additional photographs or information concerning existing photographs would be gratefully received.
I think that readers will be surprised to learn
that the entire web-site
from start to finish
is the work of members of the
monastery on Papa Stronsay
and not a production
of professional web designers.
I am very impressed with the attention to detail
that has gone into this site:
making a masthead like the one above
reflects taste and talent
and the technical side of producing an e-shop,
drop down menus and videos,
is, in a humble way,
something to be proud of,
and something that I do not want to let pass
without acknowledgment
and a word of thanks.
Over the past months, much to my edification,
I have seen the Brothers
using mere snippets of time
or days of recreation,
to put the site together;
evocative of their Holy Father Saint Alphonsus
who vowed "to never waste a moment of time"
and who exercised himself with zeal
for the apostolate of the pen.
May God's holy Providence use the site
and may all we publish
ever be to God's greater Glory
and for the salvation of souls.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.