The story of the "Thuc Consecrations" is, briefly,
a tragic one.
The prestigious Archbishop of Hue in Vietnam
pictured above
agreed in 1981 to consecrate three bishops
who are the origin of the "Thuc Line Bishops"
still operating.
Only two need to be considered
since the third played only a minor role.
Their names are
Bishop des Lauriers and Bishop Carmona.
(October 6, 1897–December 13, 1984)

(1912 - 1991).
Consecrated bishop 17 October, 1981.

I personally never knew the Vietnamese Archbishop
before the time of my two visits to his residence at 22, rue Garibaldi, Toulon,
in the district of Var, in France.
The first time was in March 1981...
The second in January, 1982.
- Fr. Noel BARBARA.

"The Archbishop lived in a very poor and dirty apartment
on the first floor of an old tenement building.
In appearance, it was a simple flat that was longer than wide,
with a small side kitchen.
On the right was a modest bed.
In the corner was a table
on which he celebrated the traditional rite
as codified by Saint Pius V every morning.
There were many pious images, a pile of "pocket books,"
two chairs
and five cats that appeared to be everywhere."
- Fr. Noel BARBARA.
As he only had two chairs, the Archbishop sat on his bed
and Father Barbara sat opposite him.
The room was so small that Father Barthe
had to place his chair behind the Archbishop.
This is the setting for the consecration of the
founder of the Thuc Line bishops.
A cramped "dirty" bedroom,
five cats,
a corner table
...and a telephone.
In 1981 France was not under persecution.
Why were the Episcopal Consecrations not performed even in a hotel room?
The Mass of the Consecration of a Bishop
was twice celebrated up against the window.
There were not three altar cloths
for there was not even one altar cloth.
The dial up telephone was left where it was,
its telephone wire came onto the table;
also a box of matches.

(Click on the images to make them bigger.)
Ask yourself:
Is this the Sacred Action that was necessary
for the continuation of the Priesthood
and of Apostolic Succession
in the Church?

(Better view of the telephone.)
Tragic days ~ the story has not ended.
Blessed Pope John XXIII's miracle had taken place
13 years earlier than these lamentable acts.

By that glorious miracle
of God's Right Hand
Sedevacantism is judged wrong
and deadly to souls.
Blessed John XXIII
~quem Deus commendat~
in your stupendous miracle
approved by God,
pray for us
and for the return of all our brethren
who seem lost to Sedevacantism!