to a suitable Catholic movie
concerning the Mexican War
Christ the King.

(13 January, 1891 - 23 November, 1927)
Blessed Miguel Pro, was a Mexican Jesuit priest,
executed during the persecution of the Catholic Church
and Beatified on September 25, 1988. As Blessed Fr. Pro walked from his cell
to the courtyard and the firing squad,
he blessed the soldiers, knelt and briefly prayed quietly.
Declining a blindfold, he faced his executioners
with a crucifix in one hand and a rosary in the other
and held his arms out in imitation of the crucified Christ
and shouted out,
"May God have mercy on you! May God bless you!
Lord, Thou knowest that I am innocent!
With all my heart I forgive my enemies!"
Before the firing squad were ordered to shoot,
Blessed Father Pro raised his arms in imitation of Christ
and shouted the defiant cry of the Cristeros,
"Viva Cristo Rey!" -
"Long live Christ the King!"
When the initial shots of the firing squad failed to kill him,
a soldier shot him point blank.

is a drama film and historic epic,
currently in post-production,
directed by Dean Wright and written by Michael Love.
It is based on the true story of the Cristero War (1926-29),
a rebellion which arose out of
the Mexican government's persecution of Catholics in the 1920s.
Although filmed in Mexico, it is in English.
The film is the directorial debut for Wright,
veteran visual effects supervisor on films including
The Two Towers (2002) and The Return of the King (2003).
It is projected to be released in 2011.