You are an exiled soul in this valley of tears.
You have to constantly struggle against the world, the flesh
and above all against the innumerable legions of infernal spirits who fly in the air,
with the rage of lions, seeking whom to devour.
Perhaps you sometimes believe yourself alone and abandoned.
Yet the Apostle says to you in the name of God:
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, Rejoice!" (Phil. 4:3)
No, you are not alone.
The powerful and faithful Virgin,
Mother of God and your Mother,
constantly stands at your side.
Such is the explicit doctrine of the great St. Germain,
Patriarch of Constantinople (634-729),
who teaches that
by Her assistance,
Mary remains always present
in the midst of the faithful who invoke Her.
(First Homily on the Dormition P.G. T. XCVIII, col. 346.)
Thus because of Her perpetual readiness to assist us
She is called the Mother of Perpetual Succour.

If you have need of Her assistance
write Her a letter
for inclusion in the
Novena devotions.
Petitions received are prayed for during the
course of nine weeks.
There is no Mother who longs for a letter from her child
as much as the Mother of Perpetual Succour
longs to read a letter from you.
Why not write to your Mother today.