On Sunday the Holy Father visited Venice.
From the Papa Stronsay perspective
it is great to see the Pope on water.
He is the world's greatest fisherman.
The Fisher of Men sallies forth.
With 300,000 souls there to meet him and receive him
his net will be well full by day's end.
He proclaimed:
Belonging to Christ today
runs the risk of being emptied of its truth and its deepest elements:
"It runs the risk of becoming a perspective
that only touches life superficially,
in the aspects that are just social and cultural."

it is great to see the Pope on water.
He is the world's greatest fisherman.

With 300,000 souls there to meet him and receive him
his net will be well full by day's end.

Belonging to Christ today
runs the risk of being emptied of its truth and its deepest elements:
"It runs the risk of becoming a perspective
that only touches life superficially,
in the aspects that are just social and cultural."

Do not be content with a Christianity
"in which the experience of faith in Jesus, crucified and risen,
does not enlighten the path of existence."