Our Lady of Christchurch.
Our Lady of Christchurch.
Today in Christchurch, New Zealand
there will be a special procession in honour
Our Lady of Christchurch.

Today in Christchurch, New Zealand
there will be a special procession in honour
Our Lady of Christchurch.

and all this was happening,
while all that wasn't,
and most of what was,
cemented down
was smashed to the ground,
Our Lady of Christchurch
turned to face Her children.
Our Lady of Christchurch
stood in the left tower...

at the window of the upper level
just below the devastation.

while the earth cracked beneath Her
and glass smashed before Her,
Our Lady stood, Stabat.
Stabat Mater.
Stabat Mater dolorosa... lacrimosa...
Our Lady of Christchurch, pray for us.
During the calamitous February 22 earthquakes
that blitzed the city
the statue that had been in the bell tower of the Cathedral
remained serenely standing
and turned 180 degrees to face out through
the bell tower's broken window
as the
Comfortress of the Afflicted.