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My husband surprised me with both a baby shower and my little sister this week. My sister rocks. Like reaaaally rocks. She gave me about 20 R's for my nursery wall and then helped me decorate them all afternoon on Tuesday. 

I love each and every one of them.

Today is my birthday. I'm 31. So far my 30's have been exponentially better than my 20's. After a fantastic week off, today I worked a nine hour day and came home to take out, a DVR full of good TV, my hottie husband and this gorgeous ring. Happy Birthday to ME!

As though my husband hadn't already sealed the deal on husband of the year with the baby shower, the sister, and the birthday present. I also came home to find out he finished staining and applying the poly to the babies' dresser AND moved it upstairs into their room. 

The dresser started out as an old, unfinished pine dresser that I've had for ten years. No before picture; trust me, this is a marked improvement. And I'm loving the nursery as its coming together. Now if I could just get better at taking pictures so that I can more accurately (and beautifully) show off his handy work. But a girl can only be good at so many things, right? (I kid.)

Oh, and I completely realize that green bin does not match the other greens in the room. What can I say? I tried. I'm going to recover it with spare fabric leftover from when I was picking material for the twins' crib skirts. Speaking of crib skirts, I found a company (Javis Davis) online and the owner is too sweet for words and they had our fabric in stock and custom crib bedding was ridiculously reasonable. So I ordered their crib skirts today and we should have them in a few weeks. Cannot wait for that. 

a perfectly peachy weekend...

my dearies were everything my high hopes could wish for
and so much more...
they came from illinois, california, texas, montana,
louisana, canada, hawaii and even old blighty.
suitcases crammed with their own
high hopes,
vintage fabrics,
sewing machines,
crafty souls.
it would be quite true to say,
upon the moment i met
jessie, rita, debee, lou, diana, lyn,
i knew the handcrafted gods had smiled down on me.

as the weekend past,
holed up in our big old house on capitol hill, seattle,
we not only spent our waking hours wisely,
crafting apron wraps, vintage slips, bags, wall hangings and stools the dottie angel way,
but we also learnt
* everyone is important, even chickens
* random and wonky but never squiffy
* it is okay to keep canned pumpkin in vintage suitcases
* it is okay to be a vintage fabric geek
* granny chic is grand
* there is method to the madness
* never look left when going through customs

for me this has been an incredible experience
and one that i will never forget, a bit like a first love.
to be given an oportunity to meet like minded crafty souls en masse
after years of living in cyber world was such a treat.
since returning home to the shed,
i have been experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
for in the space of a few days,
my 12 'dearies of the utmost kind'
filled my world with their uniqueness, kindness and craftiness.
it would be quite true to say,
now they are gone,
i feel a little lost without them by my side...

of course we could not have 'beavered away' without nourishment.
angela, along with mary, whipped up a storm in the kitchen
and to everyones relief, not an orange meal insight.
indeed when mary was not in the kitchen
then she was my trusty assistant.
i think we all secretly wished to take mary home after the weekend.
even three days on,
i am still working on a cunning plan to have her move to mossy shed

there are plenty of photos for those that may wish to ganders.
i am quite sure many more will appear over the coming days
but for now you can take alooky

i am still a little gobsmacked even after a few days of being home...
to think so many lovelies took a chance on me and my dottie angel ways,
packed up their high hopes along with their imaginations
most peachy perfect indeed

she is thinking a nice dose of quality time with Miss Ethel will help cure her symptoms ~ Tif

Communicatio in sacris - IV - Don't shoot the messenger!

This series of posts on
Communicatio in sacris
with heretics and schismatics
(literally: communicatio in sacris - sharing in sacred things)
grew from blog comments condemning Pope Benedict XVI
for sharing in sacred things at Westminster Abbey.

Again and again the condemnation
of such a kind of
Communicatio in sacris
reaches such a degree of condemnation
by traditionalists
-faithful and priests alike-

that it is said to be against the Divine Law of God Himself.

The question arises:
Is that true?
It either is or is not true.
We must find the facts and work with them.

We all have strict opinions on this matter
of Communicatio in sacris

but we have to base our opinions on the facts.
Failure to do so discredits our traditional cause.

Without the facts....
shooting in the dark...

uninformed judgments...

Who wants to remember the days

when traditionalists 'discovered the truth'

by comparing the different photos of Paul VI's ears and nose?
Let us work with the facts.
Don't shoot the messenger.

Pope Benedict XIV
(A Pope universally considered to have been
a great authority in Canon Law.)

We have a further clarification to hand:

The judgment
on Communicatio in sacris
given by Pope Benedict XIV
in the 24 February, 1752,

session of the Holy Office
was precisely:

"Communicationem in divinis cum haereticis non posse nec debere tam facile ac tam generaliter pronuntiari in omni penitus circumstantia de iure vetitam."

Which is to say:

Communicatio in divinis with heretics cannot and should not be so readily and so generally pronounced forbidden in absolutely every circumstance."

The reference for the quote is:
De Martinis, luris Pontificii de Propaganda Fide, Pars II (Rome, 1909), p. 324.

That judgment sets out the strictest limitation of prohibition against Communicatio in sacris among heretics. The legitimacy of the matter depends on the judgment of the Pope.

Whatever opinion we each may have,
we must accept this fact and go with it.
Shooting the messenger will change nothing.

"Communicationem in divinis cum haereticis non posse nec debere tam facile ac tam generaliter pronuntiari in omni penitus circumstantia de iure vetitam."

Benedict XIV 24 February, 1752.
Communicatio in divinis with heretics cannot and should not be so readily and so generally pronounced forbidden in absolutely every circumstance.

A Belly Comparison

I had the most amazing weekend filled with the most amazing surprises, which I'm going to post about sometime soon because I want to remember it for the rest of my life! Hopefully by then my dear friend Rebecca who graciously remembered a camera and captured my surprise of a lifetime will have opened her new storefront (so exciting!) and will have time to breathe and email me the pictures.

Part of my surprise entailed my sister arriving in New York from Florida. We've been having too much fun and laughing too much and running around making my house and life ready for these babies. She insisted on snapping a picture of my pot belly yesterday so that we could send it to our dad (I think I finally have his belly beat!)

At this point (without even planning it this way) I've managed to take a belly picture every three weeks (I'm only off by one week from 7 to 11, but there wasn't much to see then, so I think it's okay!). It's amazing to see the changes and growth over the last 16 weeks. Actually, for me it was quite jarring. I've been checking out a bunch of belly shots on other twin mommy blogs and the weeks ahead of me look like the scariest. My belly seems right in line for a major (uncomfortable) growth spurt. I'm excited and terrified.

Today is my due date from our first pregnancy (a miscarriage from IVF #1) and to sit here with this belly and be able to make it through today without an overwhelming amount of sadness is unreal. I still can't believe this is my life. This journey has been intense, but I feel so fortunate and blessed. Anyway, here's my belly journey from the end of IVF #2 to 23 weeks knocked up.

{ 4 weeks }

{ 7 weeks }

{ 11 weeks }

{ 14 weeks }

{17 weeks }

{ 20 weeks }

{ 23 weeks }

My lack of a bare belly photo at 20 weeks made me realize I really need to start baring the buddha a bit more while taking these pictures. It's fun to have the bare belly ones for us at home and then to share the ones where I'm a little more covered with friends and family over email. Originally I didn't think it made a difference, but literally being able to see my abs disappear is quite shocking and I wish I could remember what my bare bump looked like at week 20. (I can't even remember what my belly looked like when this all started, so seeing my "bloated" 7 week belly - where I had already gained 7 pounds - made me laugh my ass off. I'd kill to look that "bloated" again!)

My goal is 36 weeks, so I have 90 days to go. After that, flip and flop can come out (hopefully avoiding the NICU) and celebrate Christmas with everyone.

Why does it sound so much more appealing when you say 13 weeks instead of 90 days???

Communicatio in sacris - III - Blessed Urban V to St Peter Thomas

Blessed Pope Urban V
1362 - 1370

Blessed Urban V's cultus
was approved by
Blessed Pope Pius IX (1846–78)
in 1870.

Blessed Urban V gave his legate in the East,
St Peter Thomas, Latin Patriarch of Constantinople,
permission to share with non-Catholics "in divinis",
with this limitation,
that the permission did not extend
to those excommunicated by name.

St. Peter Thomas
Latin Patriarch of Constantinople.

Born about 1305 in southern Perigord in France,
Peter Thomas entered the Carmelites when he was twenty-one.
He was chosen by the Order as its procurator general to the Papal Court
at Avignon in 1345.
After being made bishop of Patti and Lipari in 1354,
he was entrusted with many papal missions
o promote peace and unity with the Eastern Churches.
He was translated to the see of Corone in the Peloponnesus
in 1359 and made Papal Legate for the East.
In 1363 he was appointed Archbishop of Crete
364 Latin Patriarch of Constantinople.
He won a reputation as an apostle of church unity
before he died at Famagosta on Cyprus in 1366.

Non-Maternity, Maternity Clothes

Because these babies are set to arrive just after the holidays, I've been making a concerted effort to by non-maternity, maternity clothes that I can wear this winter postpartum until I get some semblance of my body back. There are two purchases I made recently which have been really cute and I thought would be worth sharing for you other ladies due this fall/winter. They key is not throwing anything in the dryer so you don't lose any inches in the length. Happy shopping!

I usually wear a small in J.Crew and got this in a medium. It should last me through 26-28 weeks and then I'll retire it until after the babies come.

I actually got this in a striped version and a solid version because I loved it so much. I usually wear an XS or S in ATL and purchased this in a medium. I think I may get up to 30 weeks in this sweater because it has a snug band around the waist and then the sweater is loose in the middle giving me a lot of growing room.

Here are some ATL coupon codes (from SeeChloeShop) if anyone's interested!

  • THE DEAL: All full-priced tops and sweaters are Buy One, Get One 50% off (mix & match) | code: MIX50

  • THE DEAL: Take 20% off your full-priced order of $75+ or 30% off your full-priced order of $150+ | code: LDMSEP10C

    Communicatio in sacris - II - "Tollerari posse"

    St. Pius X
    The Pope of Anti-modernism.

    We have the following from
    the Servant of God, Andrew Szeptycki:

    This document permits the saintly Archbishop
    and his priests to dispense the laity
    from the Church law forbidding
    Communicatio in sacris
    with the Orthodox.

    It was given by Pope St. Pius X
    in his own hand.


    Rome 17.02.1908

    Most Blessed Father!
    Andrew Szeptycki, Metropolitan of Halycz, Metropolitan
    of Kiev and Administrator of all Russia at the foot of
    His Holiness most humbly asks that faculties may be conceded
    to himself and also to confessors in communion (capable of being communicated)
    for dispensing secular faithful
    from the law which forbids communicatio in sacris with the Orthodox
    as many times as they will judge it in conscience to be opportune.

    Our Most Holy Father Pope Pius X
    deigned to sign with his own
    this document written by me
    with the words "May be tolerated".

    The Servant of God
    Andrew Szeptycki

    Surviving September

    1. After wearing maternity jeans, I'm not sure why I ever wore non-maternity jeans. My favorite jeans so far are GapMaternity Demi Panel Long and Lean.

    I really think all women should be given at least one pair of feel great pants with an elastic waistband. I have a pair in flare leg and boot cut and both are equally awesome. I wear the ankle length and at 5'3" they are perfect for flats or a short wedge which is all I'm wearing these days anyway. I feel cute in them every time I put them on (no easy feat these days). 

    The demi panel is getting a bit annoying now that my belly is getting bigger (it folds a bit when I sit), but I'm happy to have them for those post-partum days where my old jeans don't fit and it's still a snowglobe in Upstate NY. I think having to wear a full panel jean after giving birth would be the death of my ego.

    2. Apples

    I am eating at least three a day right now. Thank goodness there are farm stands everywhere lately, I'm pretty much able to pull over on a whim and load up my purse on my way to, well...anywhere. The husband and I are hitting up the orchard this weekend for a pick your own spree and I.cannot.wait. All of my favorites are in season now (Macoun, Fuji, Gala and Cortland). Pottery Barn had sliced apples in a pitcher of water in their fall catalog and I'm so trying that as well.

    3. I come from a long line of oily people, so I've never experienced dry itchy skin...until now. I'm loving Bliss Lemon & Sage Body Scrub.

    It's not super scratchy and irritating on your skin and when you wash it off your skin feels like silk. Plus the smell doesn't make me gag (which happens with a lot of the really scented scrubs and lotions, even before babies). I use it at least once a week, and if the husband is home I can sometimes get in a scrub down twice a week (need help reaching those 'can't see at all places' these days). 

    I've had the 12 oz scrub for 6 months and I haven't even used half of it yet, so while it's a bit pricey at $36, it seems to go the distance.

    4. Bobbi Brown Cosmetics

    I'm not usually a make-up wearer. Either I don't have the time or I don't have the patience to be bothered. But lately, I don't leave the house without applying my face. Maybe it's because my face is the only thing I can control the look of these days? I have no idea. Anyway, I've always had a few tried and true products in my teeny, tiny make-up bag and now I remember why I've used the same products for years. 

    Bobbi Brown is pretty much all I carry and my daily go-to's are Lip Gloss in Pink Beige, Long Wear Gel Eyeliner in Espresso Ink, Blush in Tawny and Extreme Party Mascara in Jet Black (I like this even better than DiorShow!). 

    At night I add to it an eye palette from the 2008 Holiday Collection (yup, still have makeup from 2008, don't judge) and I'm all set. Colors in that palette include: Navajo, Cement, Heather Mauve Shimmer Wash and Mahogany.

    a little crafty...

    Miss Ethel developed a rather raspy rattle this morning,
    whilst beavering away on some goodies
    for my dottie angel dearies...

    after my initial panic,
    i calmed myself,
    knowing this in turn may aid Miss Ethel.
    for i did not need my panicking ways
    to be caught by her.
    i suggested she have two days of complete rest
    and with 'high hopes' come saturday morning,
    she will be back to her usual beavering ways.
    (sometimes i think i was an ostrich in an earlier life)

    piles of fabrics, lace and a lot of 'whatnots'
    lay all around the shed,
    ready for friday.

    for friday is thee grand day!
    it truly is a big thing for me.
    i am giddy in a good way,
    not a Mr Vertigo bad sort of way
    but a slightly lightheaded,
    terribly exciting giddy sort of way.
    and indeed, i am a little nervous too.
    however i am without doubt,
    quite positively sure as sure can be,
    this coming weekend,
    12 dottie angel dearies and i
    will be getting a little crafty...

    she will be back next thursday,
    until then,
    she is wishing you a little crafty time too ~ Tif

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