St. Pius X
The Pope of Anti-modernism.
We have the following from
the Servant of God, Andrew Szeptycki:
This document permits the saintly Archbishop
and his priests to dispense the laity
from the Church law forbidding
Communicatio in sacris
with the Orthodox.
It was given by Pope St. Pius X
in his own hand.

Most Blessed Father!
Andrew Szeptycki, Metropolitan of Halycz, Metropolitan
of Kiev and Administrator of all Russia at the foot of
His Holiness most humbly asks that faculties may be conceded
to himself and also to confessors in communion (capable of being communicated)
for dispensing secular faithful
from the law which forbids communicatio in sacris with the Orthodox
as many times as they will judge it in conscience to be opportune.
Our Most Holy Father Pope Pius X
deigned to sign with his own hand
this document written by me
with the words "May be tolerated".

The Servant of God
Andrew Szeptycki
Rome 17.02.1908
Most Blessed Father!
Andrew Szeptycki, Metropolitan of Halycz, Metropolitan
of Kiev and Administrator of all Russia at the foot of
His Holiness most humbly asks that faculties may be conceded
to himself and also to confessors in communion (capable of being communicated)
for dispensing secular faithful
from the law which forbids communicatio in sacris with the Orthodox
as many times as they will judge it in conscience to be opportune.
Our Most Holy Father Pope Pius X
deigned to sign with his own hand
this document written by me
with the words "May be tolerated".

The Servant of God
Andrew Szeptycki