Thank you to the following who have kindly made donations to our
Redemptoristine Nuns Appeal:
(See the lower post for details)
I have listed the donation refceived in this manner:
Date Received,
Christian name and the first and last initial of the donor's Surname,
place of origin,
amount received:
Please, if you could,
kindly make an offering to the worthy cause
of these enclosed Redemptoristine Nuns.
Your cheques will also be listed on this site:
Please send cheques to:
Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay, KW17 2AR
Orkney, UK
Make cheques payable to "Transalpine Redemptorists"
Thank you for helping.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Redemptoristine Nuns Appeal:
(See the lower post for details)
I have listed the donation refceived in this manner:
Date Received,
Christian name and the first and last initial of the donor's Surname,
place of origin,
amount received:
1) 6 July: Fr John Be (UK) $25.00
2) 6 July: Dan Pz (CA USA) $50.00
3) 6 July: Paul Ss (Australia) $100.00
4) 6 July: Constance Py (CA USA) $25
5) 6 July: Sonia Mn (UK) $20.00
6) 6 July: Andrew Be. (Ont. Canada) $20.00
7) 6 July: Michael Cl (Herts UK) $30.00
8) 6 July: Brian Pi (CT USA) $25.00
9) 6 July: David Wh (TX USA) $15.00 (Message: May Our Lord bless your community!)
10)8 July: Mary Ce (England) £50
Subtotal 8 July: $310.00 & £50
11) 8 July: Mark Dr (UK) £20.00 (and £20.00 per month hereafter)
12) 8 July: David Wr (ID USA) $100.00
13) 8 July: Gina Oa (NJ USA) $25.00
14) 9 July: Fr. John H BC Canada $100.00 (Message: I am very happy to contribute to these good Sisters,
true daughters of St. Alphonsus and Mother Celeste.)
15) 9 July: Steve Tr (Ont Canada) $25.00
16) 9 July: Daniel Hr (NC USA) $50.00
2) 6 July: Dan Pz (CA USA) $50.00
3) 6 July: Paul Ss (Australia) $100.00
4) 6 July: Constance Py (CA USA) $25
5) 6 July: Sonia Mn (UK) $20.00
6) 6 July: Andrew Be. (Ont. Canada) $20.00
7) 6 July: Michael Cl (Herts UK) $30.00
8) 6 July: Brian Pi (CT USA) $25.00
9) 6 July: David Wh (TX USA) $15.00 (Message: May Our Lord bless your community!)
10)8 July: Mary Ce (England) £50
Subtotal 8 July: $310.00 & £50
11) 8 July: Mark Dr (UK) £20.00 (and £20.00 per month hereafter)
12) 8 July: David Wr (ID USA) $100.00
13) 8 July: Gina Oa (NJ USA) $25.00
14) 9 July: Fr. John H BC Canada $100.00 (Message: I am very happy to contribute to these good Sisters,
true daughters of St. Alphonsus and Mother Celeste.)
15) 9 July: Steve Tr (Ont Canada) $25.00
16) 9 July: Daniel Hr (NC USA) $50.00
Subtotal 9 July: $610.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month
17) 10 July Mary Pc (NE USA) $ 50.00
18) 12 July Miss JE Js (England UK) $30.00
19) 12 July Andrew Be (Ont Canada -2nd donation) $20.00
17) 10 July Mary Pc (NE USA) $ 50.00
18) 12 July Miss JE Js (England UK) $30.00
19) 12 July Andrew Be (Ont Canada -2nd donation) $20.00
Total 19 July: $710.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month.
20) 20 July Jack Hs (England, UK) $8.00
24) 24 July Jack Hs (England, UK) $8.00
Total 24 July: $726.00 & £70.00 + £20.00 per month.
We continue to appeal to every generous visitor:
Please, if you could,
kindly make an offering to the worthy cause
of these enclosed Redemptoristine Nuns.
Your cheques will also be listed on this site:
Please send cheques to:
Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay, KW17 2AR
Orkney, UK
Make cheques payable to "Transalpine Redemptorists"
Thank you for helping.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.