11 February 2007.
The future greenhouse blessed for the Queen of Heaven
"Our Lady's Garden"

taking shape,
we are still experimenting on what works
and what doesn't.
16 July 2010

I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman.
Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he will take away:
and every one that beareth fruit,
he will prune it that it may bring forth more fruit.
(Jn. 15:1)

when the tree was but a spindle in a pot,
it produced abundant peaches
although those first ones were but the size of golf balls.
This year they were large, soft and brimming with juice.
Could these be the most northerly peaches in the world?
Fr. Anthony's Peach Tree
was a very successful introduction.

(Is. 35:1)
We have produced our own flowers for the altar since March.

the planting of the Kiwifruit vines!
Understandable perhaps,
(rich in Vitaman C)
we were hopeful,
but alas!

and remains fruitless
three years,
a failure!
2007 - 2010.
"Behold for three years I come seeking fruit on this and I find none.
Cut it down therefore,
Why cumbereth it the ground?"
But he answering, said to him:
Lord, let it alone this year also,
until I dig about it and dung it.
And if happily it bear fruit:
but if not,
then after that thou shalt cut it down.
(Lk. 13:6)
(2 male and 4 female Kiwifruit vines are growing together
their fruitlessness is probably due to our degrees of latitude (59.2° North).
The sun remains close to the horizon at this latitude
and there may not be sufficient sun intensity to bring forth flowers for fruit.)
The unsuccessful Kiwifruit vines
of Fr. Michael Mary!