i have so many things i wish to say.
but alas time has beaten me to it...
i leave for old blighty on tuesday,
Our #1 and my man staying behind to hold the fort.

i am tres excited to be going home,
but also a little nervous this time around.
for this time around i cross the pond as
a 'challenger of the utmost' kind!
and if ever there is a time when Mr Temptation will sit upon my shoulder
whispering 'tempting thoughts' in my ear
then this will be it.
but before i unplug, i wished to let you know,
without you, my dearest readers,
my little blog and my crafting would not be what it is.
once again i find myself thinking how fortunate i have been
to have your encouragment in all that i do.
you make me whole in a way i cannot explain
and for that i am thanking you kindly.
on my return in mid August,
i have an amazing adventure waiting for me and dottie angel
and i hope with all my heart,
you will come along with me on the journey
but for now
i have a happy cluster to share with you,
just to tide us over until we meet again...

i found several paper lanterns at the thrift store a few weeks back,
similar to
these ones, the colors of mine were tres bright.
when faded to a perfectly perfect vintagey color
i bought them in, and pinned them into the ceiling,
and voila! a lovely cluster of happy vintage looking lanterns,
simple but pretty,
with the ability to
make a corner of one's home feel most happy and summery indeed...

my happy lanterns are hanging above Miss Ethel,
i placed them there so she may feel loved whilst i am away.
knowing that i am thinking about her on my travels
and looking forward to spending quality time with her again soon.
she is wishing you all a peachy and perhaps a little silly month and will be back rambling on monday August 23rd ~ Tif x