August, 2014, saw the completion of phase two
of the work on the Oratory of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour,
the chapel attached to our monastery in
Christchurch, New Zealand.
The Oratory as it stood after phase one in March, 2013.
The dome over the altar and beautiful arch window
allowing light to stream in during the morning Mass is in place.
Much of the sanctuary furnishing is in place along with the altar steps.
The Oratory on 31 August, 2014.
The Gospel side of the sanctuary in March, 2013.
The Holy Baptism of little Ambrose Green on 31 August, 2014.
The Gospel side of the sanctuary has been transformed
with a new door and window installed,
new panelling fixed on the lower walls.
To see the many young families that crowd into the
Oratory every Sunday, injecting so much
life and joy into the community is
an hundred fold reward to all those
who have contributed to the work.
In the wall of the Gospel side of the sanctuary
an Ambry for the reservation of the Holy Oils
has been installed.
Two side altars have been installed
in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The altar of the Sacred Heart is erected
in memory of Mr Duncan Simon, R.I.P.
while the altar of the Immaculate Heart
is erected in memory
of Mrs Nancye Price, R.I.P.
The Altar of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima in its own chapel.
This altar is erected in memory of Mr Michael Hayes, R.I.P.
The shrine of St Joseph
erected in memory of Rev. Fr Augustine Cummins, C.SS.R., R.I.P.
The first and last thought in entering the Oratory
is Our Blessed Lady of Christchurch.
The ceiling around her altar is coffered
and embellished with fleur-de-lis.
The newly refurbished
Stations of the Cross line the walls.
The stars which adorn the ceiling remind us
of our Heavenly home,
wherein dwells the Father of Lights!
Our thanks to all our many and dear friends in Christchurch
who gave of their time and substance
to make this beautiful work possible
for the glory of God and His Holy Church -
helping with painting, woodworking, building,
purchasing materials,
cooking and catering for the work days, etc.
This chapel is a fitting tribute to you all.

As Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer,
it has been our privilege to make this humble effort
for the rebuilding of the fair city of Christchurch,
and provide a little sanctuary
where souls may come to spend time
with Our Heavenly Queen,
and may enjoy some of the
beauty of the traditional Rite.
Indeed we cannot repeat too often in our lives:
Thanks be to God for all He has done
and is doing for us.