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Fr Hunwicke's First Mass in the Old Rite

Fr Hunwicke celebrated his First Mass in the Old Rite at Brompton Oratory.  Br. Martin was highly honoured to be able to serve Father at the altar.

 Fr. Ray Blake greets Father before the First Mass.

Dealba me, Domine, et munda cor meum; ut, in sanguine Agni dealbatus, gaudiis perfruar sempiternis.

Make me white, O Lord, and cleanse my heart; that being made white in the Blood of the Lamb I may deserve an eternal reward

Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae...

 Behold the Precious Blood of Jesus, shed for the forgiveness of our sins!

 Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam. Amen.

 May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ keep your soul unto life everlasting. Amen.

Priesting of Rev. Fr John Hunwicke

It was our great privilege to be able to attend the priesting of Fr. John Hunwicke on Wednesday 27th June, Feast of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour at the Oxford Oratory.  Father has waited long for this great day!

The ordinand lies prostrate whilst the Litany of the Saints is sung.

The laying-on of hands. After the ordaining bishop, all the priests present lay their hands upon the head of the ordinand.  Above, the Rt Revd Monsignor Keith Newton, Fr. Hunwicke's superior in the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham lays hands; and below, Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.

Anointing the hands of the priest. 

First Blessings.

Speaking with Msgr Kieth Newton.
Three generations.  Father and Mrs Hunwicke with the eldest of their five daughters and the eldest of their five grandchildren.


on the road...

i have no idea where the first half of this year has gone, but gone it has...

in a few hours me and my lads of 2 will be winging our way once again across the pond to spend a few happy weeks in old blighty. it will be a bit of a whirlwind of a trip, with never staying still in one spot for long and upon our return i will be up and running again on this here my shiny place.

our granny chic book goes to print in less than 2 weeks and i will be able to share all about the goings on with the book and indeed where you may pre-order if you so wish, when i am back from my travels.

i am so looking forward to meeting fabby dearies next weekend at our crafty day workshops.
i am tres excited to be seeing all my brothers and their families together for the first time in over 5 years to celebrate my folks 50th wedding anniversary. 
i am thinking how lovely it will be to meet up with all my man's family and spend quality time together and say our final farewell's to Papa.
i am thrilled to be visiting with my soul sister Debbie and also my book writing buddy Rachelle.
i am beyond giddy to spend 4 days in Istanbul with my clan, together again for a short time.

so many 'i ams' but really truly the biggest 'i am' of all is none more so then having 10 whole peachy days of hanging out with my girls and being a clan again. for to me, that is the best thing of all...
and so quite simply put
'i am so happy to know for a short while, i will feel whole again'

it just leaves me to say a big old thanking you all kindly dearest readers. this half of the year has been an odd old half, many things have gone on and many changes have taken place, thus there have been times my blog has sat quiet, waiting patiently for me to appear. you have been most kind to me and indeed most patient. i wish you all the happiest of happy times in the coming weeks and hope you will take time out to feel a little crafty at least twice a day whilst i am gone

cheerio for now and see you in early august, all spickity span with crafty souls well and truly polished


I just hit the 24 week mark. Which is funny because with the twins I kept gunning for 24 weeks as my first goal (since that's the week of some increment of viability) and with this pregnancy I had to look at a calendar to remember how far along I am. I never know how many weeks have gone by, but I feel like I've been pregnant FOR-EV-ERRRRRR.

Twenty four weeks was a multiples pregnancy milestone and it also marked the week of my surprise baby shower. I realized that somehow I never wrote about the amazing shower my friends threw me. So it seemed apropos to chronicle it now given the coincidental timing.

If you know me at all, you know that I am a bit of a control freak with a tendency to be nosy observant and attentive, so it's pretty hard to get anything by me. Especially surprises. But my husband and my best friend managed to pull off a surprise baby shower that I never saw coming. The husband still jokes today that if I ever tracked his phone calls or followed him around I would have thought he was having an affair with my BFF, ha.

{ the invite }

The shower was tasteful and beautiful. Exactly what I would have wanted if I planned it myself. No kitschy games, no guesses about my weight or waist size, just adorable (non-baby!) decorations, delicious food and wonderful people. I'm a lucky girl.

Joe lured me to my friend Nicole's house under the guise of my birthday. I turned 32 the year that the kids were born and my birthday was the week after the shower. We planned to celebrate my birthday over the weekend since my birthday is the end of the sales quarter, which usually means I don't see my husband at all that day. 

The plan, as I knew it was we were going somewhere special to celebrate followed by dinner out. On our way to my birthday outing Joe turned before we got to the highway. I looked at him confused by the route he had elected to take, mainly because my husband is the king of backroad shortcuts that add 15 minutes to a trip and he was really antsy about getting to our outing on time. When I questioned him about where we were going he told me that he had my birthday present stored at Nic's house because he didn't want me to find it and we needed to go pick it up. 

We pulled into her driveway and I planned to just sit in the car while he ran inside, but he asked me to go inside and chat with her for a few minutes because the "box was so big, seeing it would give away what was inside".  At this point I was kind of annoyed, mainly because he had hurried me along while I was getting ready. I remember thinking, 'I needed to rush putting on makeup but I have time to talk!? Sheesh.' 

Little did I know...

Inside Nicole and a group of my friends and my mother in law were waiting to greet me. Shock and awe is an understatement. I couldn't believe these people where here...for me. Nicole is one of those party put-togetherers that makes things look effortless. All of the decorations she DIY'd and everything was so beautiful and thoughtful. She's a keeper.

She ordered catering from our favorite local market and cafe where we (back in the good ole days, before children) used to have four hour brunches. The food was amazing. 

Our dear friend Rebecca who is an amazingly talented graphic designer (check her out here) made adorable little favor boxes and tags which held chocolate covered gummy bears. I was a chocolate covered gummy bear virgin before this party. If you have never had one, do yourself a favor and get some. Now.

And just when I had finally dried my tears, greeted everyone and settled in to party with my dear friends there was a knock at the door. I turned to find my sister standing in Nicole's living room. Joe flew her in from Florida to be at my shower. And at that moment, everything I wanted for my baby shower had come true and everyone that I love was in that room. There are few times in my life that I can remember being that happy.

{ the whole crew }

We had lunch and chatted and then came the part where we opened gifts. Now let me just say that his part was hard for me. Because my friends, at that point, sat in two camps -- those of us that couldn't have kids and those of us who weren't even close to having kids (or caring!) And while I love a good party, being the focus like that makes me a little uncomfortable. So in just about every gift opening photo I'm making some god awful funny face since I was trying to crack jokes to take the attention off of all the gifting.

Silly girl. Anyway, my friends were beyond generous in both their time and their gifting. And I was so overwhelmed by their kindness, love and excitement for our miracle babies.

That shower was truly one of the happiest, most memorable days of my life. I felt so loved. So, so loved. There really is no better feeling in the world than that. 

a bit of bling...

yesterday eve i got the urge to do a bit of blinging.
i do like to bling things,
indeed it would be quite true to say
anything which comes my way if it stands still long enough
 will eventually be blinged.
in fact upon tippity tapping this,
i have reflected upon my life
and do believe not a day has gone by when i have not 'blinged',
such is my need to do so.

a little bit of bling,
be it on a thrifty find
 or an old friend found in the cupboard,
can be just the thing
to cheer up something a little tired or lost.
(myself included)

a few weeks back,
my blinging ways
led to an old cardi having new buttons.
this old friend will now be travelling across the pond with me
in a few short days

last night's bit of time spent blinging
resulted in some clogs looking spiffy with woven ribbon detail.
just a few happy moments with some peachy ribbon
from a fabby dottie angel dearie in Holland
and a bit of good old mod podge.

i got my bling fix,
i am happy,
my clogs are happy,
now that is my kind of bling.
i think i will call it
'granny chic bling'
from now on...


Pool Peanuts

I love summer. A lot. I love scorching heat and pools and running through sprinklers. I even like sweating for doing nothing other than sitting outside. I think it's the Florida still in me this many years later. But I love it.

We took advantage of our town's pool and got family passes. The pool is a little inconvenient as it doesn't open till noon and I would love to kill time there in the morning before naps. But it's been a fun place to go after naps before dinner and on the weekends. And really I can't complain about a place that is 5 minutes from our house that I can take the kids to burn off some of their excess energy.

The kids took a few trips before they started warming up to the pool, well really the other kids at the pool. But now they are regular splashers and players. Which is awesome. As hard as this age is, there are so many fun things that start to happen. I love watching them play independently and see how much different they are outside of our home.

My normally fearless and brazen kids are actually quite shy among their peers.

They start summer camp two mornings a week in July, so it will be interesting to watch them evolve socially this summer. I'm sure the shyness is a fleeting phase.

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