Quem osculatus fuero, ipse est, tenete eum:
hoc malum fecit signum, qui per osculum adimplevit homicidium.
* Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis,
et in fine laqueo se suspendit.
V. Bonum erat ei, si natus non fuisset homo ille.
R. Infelix praetermisit pretium sanguinis,
et in fine laqueo se suspendit.

Whomsoever I shall kiss, That Same is He hold Him fast.
This was the traitorous sign which he gave,
even he who murdered with a kiss.
* Woe unto that man! He cast down the price of blood,
and went, and hanged himself.
and went, and hanged himself.
V. It had been good for that man if he had not been born.
R. Woe unto that man! He cast down the price of blood,
and went, and hanged himself.
and went, and hanged himself.
(Lectio 4 Resp.)