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a ramble of sorts whilst recapping...

hooray it is friday! 
i am tres giddy because that means a brand new shiny week is waiting to happen in just a day or so. i am gearing up for said shiny week by cleaning our shed and shuffling things around. i can not clean a shed without shuffling, it makes the cleaning so much more thrilling when you plot and plan the movement of furniture and knick knacks.
then monday will roll around and shiny week will begin and in turn my sanity will be saved...
in the meantime, how about a little recap of last friday's book launch.

photos by bees knees Lola

oh so many fine and dandy folks dilly dallied our way, it was a most spiffy event and i was most fortunate to meet some of you
("hello hello", said whilst waving to you).
new friends and old friends came out to support the book and Janine and myself were tres delighted.
the peachy Andie and Emily of Assemble Shop are the bees knees without a doubt.
and best of all, yes quite honestly the best thing of all,
a small being with a little critter came to visit
("hello small being Gráinne and little critter Sugar Cookie" said whilst doing an extra grande wave to you)

Janine put together a little video of the evening, 'cause she is pretty spiffy that way.

i on the other hand, was complete pants and did not take any photos after a failed attempt at capturing the window display and so have relied upon others to allow me to share...
so thank you kindly Lola and Melanie, cheers my dears for your fabby sharing selves

*lola's lovely post on her book launch visit with me

she will be back on monday, with crafty creative cap firmly bobby pinned on her bounce, a la Diana Dearie style (another big wave) ~ Tif
footynote: photos today kindly shared by Lola Nova, who is also the bees knees, actually everyone who came to the book launch is the bees knees, but especially 'bees knees-ness' goes to Lola

footynote note: oh crikey, now i am fretting someone somewhere is thinking "Tif didn't wave at me" or "Tif forgot to say i was the bees knees" and this will never do. so just to set the record straight, i think you are all the bees knees and i have said this whilst waving "hello hello" to everybody this morning. yes, that is much better now...

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