Yesterday the Pontifical Council Cor Unum warned that
hundreds of thousands of people in the Horn of Africa
are at risk of dying due to a lack of basic necessities
caused by drought and violence.
This council, which oversees the Church's charity work,
noted Benedict XVI's appeal on Sunday.
"Around 10 million people are suffering, and hundreds of thousands of refugees risk dying because of a lack of basic necessities. Somalia and northern Kenya are the worst struck areas."
The drought is the worst the area has seen for 60 years.
The last official famine was in 1984-85,
when about 1 million people in Ethiopia and Sudan died.
South Somalia is controlled by Islamic fundamentalists
who until last week had banned aid agencies from the area.
hundreds of thousands of people in the Horn of Africa
are at risk of dying due to a lack of basic necessities
caused by drought and violence.
This council, which oversees the Church's charity work,
noted Benedict XVI's appeal on Sunday.
"Around 10 million people are suffering, and hundreds of thousands of refugees risk dying because of a lack of basic necessities. Somalia and northern Kenya are the worst struck areas."
The drought is the worst the area has seen for 60 years.
The last official famine was in 1984-85,
when about 1 million people in Ethiopia and Sudan died.
South Somalia is controlled by Islamic fundamentalists
who until last week had banned aid agencies from the area.
The Pope appealing for the Horn of Africa last Sunday.
The Holy Father already sent a €50,000 ($70,000) donation
through Cor Unum
to the apostolic administrator of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The Apostolic Administrator Bishop Giorgio Bertin
is directly involved in bringing assistance to the people affected.
The Holy Father speaks.
We invite you to send donations to the Holy Father's Charity -
The Pontifical Council Cor Unum:
How to do it:
The bank details below are from the Cor Unum website:

Bank transfers in Euro (€) from outside Italy:
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Poste Italiane S.p.A: BPPIITRRXXX
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
Bank transfers in other currencies from outside Italy:
(US Dollar USD, Australian Dollar AUD,
Canadian Dollar CAD, British Pound GBP,
Swiss Franc CHF, Japanese Yen JPY):
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Banca Popolare di Sondrio: POSOIT22XXX
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
Donations in any currency can also be made to:
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 101010
Bank: Banca di Roma
IBAN Code: IT93 J 03002 05008 000000 101010
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
In the UK
donations large and small to relieve the famine
through the Holy Father's charity "Cor Unun"
may be sent to the Apostolic Nuncio
at the following address:
Most Reverend Archbishop Antonio Mennini
Apostolic Nunciature
54 Parkside
London, SW19 5NE
through Cor Unum
to the apostolic administrator of the Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The Apostolic Administrator Bishop Giorgio Bertin
is directly involved in bringing assistance to the people affected.
The Holy Father speaks.
We invite you to send donations to the Holy Father's Charity -
The Pontifical Council Cor Unum:
How to do it:
The bank details below are from the Cor Unum website:

Bank transfers in Euro (€) from outside Italy:
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Poste Italiane S.p.A: BPPIITRRXXX
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
Bank transfers in other currencies from outside Italy:
(US Dollar USD, Australian Dollar AUD,
Canadian Dollar CAD, British Pound GBP,
Swiss Franc CHF, Japanese Yen JPY):
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 603035
Bank: Banco Posta, Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Bank Address: Viale Europa, 175; I-00144 Rome, Italy
BIC-SWIFT Code for Banca Popolare di Sondrio: POSOIT22XXX
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
Donations in any currency can also be made to:
Pontifical Council "Cor Unum"
Account Number: 101010
Bank: Banca di Roma
IBAN Code: IT93 J 03002 05008 000000 101010
(Please provide your name and address,
as well as where you wish the funds to be sent,
so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.)
In the UK
donations large and small to relieve the famine
through the Holy Father's charity "Cor Unun"
may be sent to the Apostolic Nuncio
at the following address:
Most Reverend Archbishop Antonio Mennini
Apostolic Nunciature
54 Parkside
London, SW19 5NE