Over the last week we have taken the opportunity of painting Our Lady's Chapel on Stronsay in preparation for Easter. We decided to change it from the all-white it had been and try and give it some character.

Brothers painting the ceiling.

Br. Nicodemus Mary, F.SS.R. gives a second coat.

The first stars are sprayed. They are the eight-pointed star from the veil of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour.

Marking the positions of the stars.

As the job approaches, the sanctuary can begin to be cleared.

The last star...

...very satisfying!

Mass of Passion Sunday on Stronsay.

O, Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Be our salvation!

Brothers painting the ceiling.

Br. Nicodemus Mary, F.SS.R. gives a second coat.

The first stars are sprayed. They are the eight-pointed star from the veil of Our Mother of Perpetual Succour.

Marking the positions of the stars.

As the job approaches, the sanctuary can begin to be cleared.

The last star...

...very satisfying!

Mass of Passion Sunday on Stronsay.

O, Most Precious Blood of Jesus, Be our salvation!