Feast of St. Nicholas
the Wonderworker.
the Wonderworker.
While we occasionally have a little snow in Orkney
this year, with the rest of Britain we are having
an unusual abundance.
this year, with the rest of Britain we are having
an unusual abundance.

made daily after dinner and supper,
had added attraction today.

Blessed Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
to all our readers!

for the feast.
Deus, qui beatum Nicolaum Pontificem
innumeris decorasti miraculis;
tribue quaesumus;
ut ejus meritis et precibus,
a gehennae incendiis liberemur.
Per Dominum...
O God who didst adorn blessed Nicholas, the bishop,
with miracles unnumbered,
grant we beseech Thee,
that by his merits and prayers
we may be delivered from the flames of hell.
Through our Lord...
Collect from the 1969 Missal.
Misericordiam tuam, Domine, supplices imploramus,
et, beati Nicolai episcopi interveniente suffragio,
nos in omnibus custodi periculis,
ut via salutis nobis pateat expedita.
Per Dominum...
We ask you, Lord, through the intercession of Saint Nicholas,
to keep us safe amid all dangers,
so that we may go forward without hindrance
along the road of salvation.
Through our Lord...

The original Cross, found at the chapel site on Papa Stronsay
was dated to be from the
seventh or eighth century.

of Papa Stronsay as a pendant.

was built in the eleventh century,
over yet earlier buildings,
its ruins alone remain.
The drawing shows the two celled chapel which,
against its North wall has the remains of another older
circular cell.
Another wall,
perhaps the apse and part of an older cruciform structure
lies outside the two celled chapel to the East.