Feast of the
Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11 October
Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11 October
The red Letters painted on either side of the
Mother of Perpetual Succour
are Greek abbreviations:
ΜΡ for Mater meaning Mother
ΘΥ for Theou meaning of God.
In the year 431
the father of the Council of Ephesus,
under the guidance of Pope St. Celestine,
formally condemned the errors of Nestorius
and declared as Catholic faith
the doctrine that:
The Blessed Virgin Mary,
Who gave birth to Jesus,
was truly
the Mother of God.
Mother of Perpetual Succour
are Greek abbreviations:
ΜΡ for Mater meaning Mother
ΘΥ for Theou meaning of God.
In the year 431
the father of the Council of Ephesus,
under the guidance of Pope St. Celestine,
formally condemned the errors of Nestorius
and declared as Catholic faith
the doctrine that:
The Blessed Virgin Mary,
Who gave birth to Jesus,
was truly
the Mother of God.

of Perpetual Succour.
Please honour the Holy Mother of God
by praying the following
for the special intention
of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer.
Sub tuum praesidium
Sancta Dei Genitrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias
in necessitatibus nostris,
sed a periculis cunctis
libera nos semper,
Virgo Gloriosa et Benedicta.
Under thy protection
we seek refuge,
Holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions
in our needs,
but from all dangers
deliver us always,
Virgin Glorious and Blessed.
Mother of Perpetual Succour, pray for us!
Sancta Dei Genetrix, ora pro nobis!
We pray the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
for you our spiritual Benefactors.
We count on your holy prayers.