To all who contributed to the appeal for the Redemptoristine nuns.
On their behalf
we thank you most sincerely.
We have raised over $1,000:
$1,101.00 USD & £216.40
The nuns are anxious to receive your names
and they are already praying for your intentions.
You are their benefactors.
Good news came in from the Redemptoristine Nuns of
São Fidélis today.
Last week, on 6 August, they commemorated 297 years
since they received the traditional Redemptoristine habit
in honour of the Most Holy Redeemer.
since they received the traditional Redemptoristine habit
in honour of the Most Holy Redeemer.
They had been patiently waiting for their sewing machine
for some time
and it has arrived at last.

£50.00 from H. Ce of England
9 August, 2010
$20.00 from Paul Cl of England with the message:
God bless your invaluable work. Paul.
9 July, 2010
£96.40 Anon. England
13 August, 2010
$50.00 from Robert P , IN, USA with message:
Dear Sisters, May God bless you all. In Her Immaculate Heart, Bob P
14 August, 2010
$20.00 from Andrew B. Ont. Canada (3rd donation)
16 August, 2010
$50.00 from Kristijan Ci, Velika Gorica, Croatia
17 August, 2010
$25.00 from Tom Mn, NY, USA
$100.00 from Sheldon Ss, GA, USA
$10.00 from Jim Kk, AP, USA
18 August, 2010
$50.00 from Dan Pz, CA, USA
19 August, 2010
$50.00 from Susan De, CA, USA
This brings the total of money raised to:
Total 19 August: $1,101.00 USD & £216.40 + £20.00 per month.
We continue to appeal to every visitor:
We continue to appeal to every visitor:
Please, if you could,
kindly make an offering to the worthy cause
of these enclosed
traditional Redemptoristine Nuns
in Brazil.
Your cheques will also be listed on this site:
Please send cheques to:
Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay, KW17 2AR
Orkney, UK
Make cheques payable to "Transalpine Redemptorists"
Thank you for helping.
Fr. Michael Mary, F.SS.R.