About a month ago, I made the decision to drop to part time at my job and go freelance. I met with a friend that started her own business and told her how nervous I was to leave my security blanket (aka my full time job) behind, she told me once you decide to go out on your own and you start letting people know, "trust me the work will roll in".
Guess what? She was right. I'm up to my third freelance contract in a month.
I cannot believe it.
My last official full time day at work is July 16. Trying to work two full time jobs right now is tough and I'm tired all the time. I never thought that work would come this quickly and I'm so excited at the success of this venture already.
There are so many loose ends that I need to tie up before I can call myself a small business owner. I'm reading into tax laws and home offices. I need to (FINALLY) get a cell phone number with a local area code. I mean, I've only lived here for 5 years, maybe it's about time. And I need to get a web presence up and running and have business cards made for networking events.
I thought about building my own website, and I may still do that. But my girlfriend introduced me to Creative Shift Design - they charged her $425 for her site and it was complete in less than a month. Perfect.
And one of my dear friends, Rebecca, is a couture stationery designer. I've turned to her to develop my business cards, letterhead and invoices. She's ridiculously talented. If you know of anyone with a wedding, shower or social event coming up and they need beautiful invitations, she's your gal.
Here are some of the pictures I've sent Rebecca as my inspiration,
I'm dying to see what she comes up with.

Okay, so cell phone, business cards, web presence, office space (just making space in our home), anything else I'm missing? If you're a small business owner feel free to leave any pearls of wisdom!