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a 'hippity happity hoppity' easter = a 'safety first lucky happy' tablecloth

i am tres giddy today, for we are having an easter part-tee tomorrow! i cannot recall the last time we did such a thing. i suspect it is many many moons ago and not the fact my recall skills are pants. we have it all planned out. in the morning, me and Our #4 will make easter nests, an easter cake and hand rolled marzipan eggs, no less! then late lunch we will meet up with my adopted auntie and her man at the local curry house for the lunchtime buffet. oh but that... that is just the beginning of our easter part-tee. post curry buffet, we will return to mossy shed, spend the afternoon wisely playing board games and card games and then, come tea time, with a flourish and a voila! i will make a nice pot of tea and bring out the cake, nests, marzipan eggs with thumb prints and the fabby red velvet cupcake cookies my adopted auntie prepared earlier that day in her own kitchen.

surely i say to myself, this is so worthy of a bit of giddiness, and surely i say to myself, this thrilling event of an easter part-tee... which by the way Our #3 did point out really does it count when you only have 2 guests at your party, which i promptly ignored, then a few mos later dropped into conversation 'red velvet cookies' and suddenly he was all about the easter part-tee. ha! i see where his alliance falls. not with his mother's baking, no sirree! but with his mother's adopted auntie's baking. i did not let this rain on my little part-tee parade, nope, i did not. 
and so i say to myself, surely this fabby occasion calls for a fabby spring cloth for the table...

you could make one too, too, too, we're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo... no, no we are not, we are going to the curry house, not the zoo, stop this nonsense Tif and carry on with clear intention as to what you are rambling on about today.
quite right, (pulls up knee socks, does a bit of deep yogic breathing and steadies her wavering thoughts)

i am thinking, (cos i do a lot of that) you could make this tres grande, or tres petite. you could make it square, or you could make rectangular, you could also make it circular if you are wearing your clever clogs. you could take a measuring board and cutting tool, or you could grovel around on the carpet with a tape measure and scissors late at night like moi. you could serge or double fold the hems over or you could just like me, leave it raw and let it fray nicely, because after all, easy peasy is the name of the game

all things left wisely up to you as only you know best how you like things made.

basically all you need to have is a nice old mish mash of fabrics, all those pieces you have left from favourites you can't bear to part with. gather them all together and then start attaching them in strips. make sure they are sort of on the large size or this will take you more than an evening of grovelling around on the floor.

so to put it in a nutshell and make it easy to understand, looking at the photos i scattered throughout this most interesting and fascinating post, you will see, one of my strips was made from the tres bright and jolly retro orange flowers, on the right side of the cloth (kindly given to me by a dearie in old blighty, "hello hello"), and  the brown and blue mini floral (found at Joanns fabric store the other week). the other strip was made from the black floral (a vintage apron), a fat quarter of yellow florals (which i used the reverse for a faded look) and a bright pink paisley number (i believe also Joanns but don't quote me, as i really can't recall)

once you have your strips all measuring the same length, it just a question of stitching them together along the long sides. i also did do a bit of top stitching in a straight line along the seams just to keep those pesky raw edges underneath flat after a whirl in Miss Washer. (see photo #3)

after i had finished, i thought how nice it would be to keep going and make a lovely bed spread, or indeed a springified settee throw or perhaps a picnic blanket if i gave it a backing. oh yes i dreamed many dreams for 'my little 48" x 48" approximately sweetie' but t'was late, my knees and back were going 'yakkity yak' and also, i did not wish to drift from my path of 'cloth for easter part-tee'. so she stayed, just as she was, a perfectly patched little 'lucky happy' cloth, not just for easter but for any occasion requiring a bit of hippity happity hoppity...

now of course, some of you still awake may be noting, this little cloth is tres petite for our table, but i have a cunning plan, and my plan goes something like this. move the cloth to the middle of the table to add a dash of colour and springy-ness for the part-tee without folks being overwhelmed and attacked by too much fabric hanging around. because tablecloths can do that can't they? attack you and before you know it, you've jumped up to pass a lovely guest (one of the two you invited) a plate of easter nests, your frock gets tangled up with the hanging over the edge bit of the cloth and disaster strikes, cloth, table contents and yourself, all end up on the floor. hence my little cloth is a 'safety first' sort of tablecloth. 

give us a twirl little 'safety first, lucky happy' cloth....

'perfectly perfect for an easter part-tee' even if i do say so myself.

wishing you all a bit of 'hippty happity hoppity' this coming weekend, wherever, whatever you may be up to ~ Tif

Maundy Thursday. Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus...

The Mass of Maundy Thursday
Christchurch, New Zealand.

Fratres, convenientibus vobis in unum...
Brethren, when you come together therefore into one place...
 Mandatum novum do vobis...
A new commandment I give unto you...
 ...alter alterius lavare pedes...
...to wash one another's feet...
 Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est...
Where are charity and love, God is there...
Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum...
Let us fear and love the living God... 

Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.
And let us love one another with sincere hearts.

 ... et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus.
..and may Christ, our God, be in the midst of us.

Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
O Lord hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto Thee.

Ubi est refectio mea

Christchurch, New Zealand
Holy Thursday

Ubi est refectio mea
Say to the master of the house:
The Master saith:
Where is My refectory where I may eat the Pasch
with my disciples.

Et invererunt...
And they found as He had told them:
and they prepared the pasch.

wordless wednesday...

The example of religious life.

Christchurch, New Zealand. 
The Sacred Triduum this year is taking place
in the small chapel of a University Hall of residence.
It is a difficult location.
This causes us to pull out all stops to try to make it a success.

The Monastery Garage
Preparations for the Sacred Triduum. 
The Brothers are renovating an old altar
which they will transport by trailer to the little chapel 
tomorrow morning, Holy Thursday. 

Brother Clemens painting the old altar.

 There are also matching altar rails thanks to white paint.

 Brother has prepared the mensa or altar-top 
and is about to lower the altar stone into its place. 

 Brother Nicodemus Mary is painting with gold obtained
for him by our friend, 
the local artist and statue repairer, 
Mr. Damian Walker. 

 Deacon Brother Magdala Maria is 
directing Brother Xavier Maria who is inside the altar
lining up the new wooden support.

One of the great consolations of the religious life
is to see Brethren who pray together and
also work together in great peace and mutual co-operation;
"just getting the job done"
working to late at night
to do something worthwhile for Our Lord and for souls.

May God bless their work
and the Holy Triduum.

Nursery Progress

I am feeling some major mom guilt that Baby Lala is over 5 months old and I still haven't finished her room. Everything takes so much damn time. It's craziness. I brought the twins home to a fully decked out nursery. This kid has been living with nothing but a crib sheet and even that took me three months to have in hand.

Anyway, I kicked it into high gear this week and ordered her draperies. I wanted to also order her crib skirt and bumpers, but the skirt fabric was discontinued (of course it was, because I finally made up my mind) so the workroom is trying to track down a remnant from the manufacturer to make this happen for me. Fingers crossed.

Here are some (iPhone) pics of what it's looking like in there now...

The previously turquoise dresser needs a few more coats of wax (more on this DI-why?! another day) and then I need to remount the mirror. The daybed is actually going to be Ryan's big boy bed, but we're storing it in the nursery for now. So for now, pretend Reese's bed is built. That sloppy mess of crumpled fabric is me elegantly modeling her unbuilt headboard to see how it was all going to look.

We hung some sunburst mirrors and I finally gave up on my search for a dresser/hutch combo that would fit the space and settled on a dresser/bookcase piece instead for the other side of the room. I'm happy the hunt is over and my need for more drawer storage, display space and a place to put all of their bed-night books is solved. Win-win. 

I also picked up a pair of antique child chairs ($30 for the pair!). Joe is going to cut 2" off of the legs making them slightly more toddler friendly and I need to clean them up and reupholster the seats. I plan on getting the girls this little PBK table eventually. The bookcase thing just got here today, so forgive the lack of anything on the shelves. I don't know how to style shelves anyway and I am clutterphobic. But hopefully they'll look better than this someday. 

I have plans to paint the back of the bookcase mushroom gray because it is not the nicest quality of non-wood out there and I think it will help it look fancy schmancier. Hopefully I am not wrong in that assessment.

The curtains will be just decorative panels with an inverted pleat in this fabric. I ordered flat roman shades which are the color of the walls when we first moved. Those should be ready for installation early next week. I found box pleated ribbon for the leading edge of the drapes and I am going to apply it myself to save some moolah. So that will be done by the time the girls are in kindergarten and first grade, respectively.

The art for above Reese's bed came in last week and I love it to pieces. I'm going to pick up some Ribba frames for it next month when I'm swinging by Ikea and those will also be painted in mushroom gray. I think these little touches will help balance out all the lavender and white. 

I still need to find pretty, but not overly expensive, swing arm sconces that fit the bill. And then dare I say it, we may be kind of, almost done. 

Lola seemed to really enjoy her new digs when we sat and admired her space today. 

Gah! Baby toes. I just want to eat them. And how about that hair? It's not easy to pull off nearly bald, you know. Girlfriend is sleeping in her undecorated room 7-8 hours per night. Clearly she is unfettered by my lack of progress. 

its a wrap... hahaha! please excuse the pun, then again, its quite a good one, so please don't :)

if perchance you have been lying awake at night, tossing and turning... fretting and fidgeting. thoughts of unsightly light cords dingly dangling in your nest, keeping you from a restful night. fret not any longer dearest reader, for help is at hand.
however, just a note, if perchance you do not lie awake at night with such thoughts whirring around your little cogs, then perhaps you may care not to read any further. this is 'a-okay' with me. it is also 'a-okay' with me if you would still like to read on despite not having had lost sleep over your light cords. all are welcome, one and all, all and one, sleep or no sleep...

and so, an easy peasy, lemon-y squeezy, solution to your sleepless nights, no medicine from over the counter required. just a nice healthy dose of DIY crafting during waking hours will surely set you right for bedtime when it next rolls around

if you have your matchsticks in place, then let us begin...

some cords are tres ugly, others not so, quite often we are left with very little choice, the lamp is the thing we  fall for and therefore the thing we think of first. take your newly found lamp home, dingle dangle it from the little corner you require lighting up, step back, admire its peachy ways, only to have your little heart sink. "well darn and dash it. how dare that tres ugly cord hang around for, distracting from the peachiness of my lovely lamp?!" no doubt you exclaim to yourself. and this in turns leads to pondering ways to disguise ugly light cord pronto. and when you can't, well we all know, the spiral affect will begin and hence you find yourself, tucked up in bed, sleep won't come because your cogs are filled with ugly light cords mocking you and poking you awake.


a patchwork affair

* take various fabrics of your choosing and cut into strips of not more than 3/4 of an inch wide. think small patterns so they show, big patterns just won't be noticed.

* hang your cord up from a hook to make it easier, rather than lying it on a table and get all messy and in a state which may lead you to not feeling calm and collected in your DIY crafty moment.

* carefully with a small paint brush and some mod podge (or any other fabric glue) cover around 6 inches of your cord with a light coating of glue, starting right at the top, near the bulb-y bit. 

* take your first strip and do a nice carefully neat wrappy bit and then making sure you have the fabric strip at a slight angle continue wrapping around and down the cord. you must keep it at an angle, if not you will go around and around the same piece and end up with a large fabric doughnut at the top of your cord and still the ugly cord doing what it does best, distracting from your peachy lamp.

* when you have finished one strip, be sure to give a little extra glue to the end and then start the next piece, stopping to add glue every now and then to your cord as you travel down it


a stitched affair

this is a nice woven cord, but you could use it on a regular cord also. i found this lovely bright red cord, rushed home, hung it up and then alas and alack, realized its amount of redness just was not working well. however i did wish for a dash of red and so a few feet down the cord i wrapped some vintage cream curtain lining and did a whole load of natty stitching in different coloured thread. it took a little while and several cuppas but this made a most pleasing appearance in my books as it matched rather jauntily with the lampshade i had made... thus worthy of spent time and cuppas.


a non patchwork affair

just like the patchwork number up above except done from all the same fabric. here i used my prized bit of fabric found in china town in San Francisco. i used the majority of it to make a 'good luck' frock and the left over scraps are being eeked out on various other projects like bags and cushions. this light cord was the generic black plastic sort which are standard when you buy a very generic clip on lamp. after my wrapping was done, i took a little bit of my vintage woven ribbon (also from San Francisco), i treasure above all other woven ribbons i own and made a handy dandy 'keeper of the cord in place thingy' to avoid being attacked by the cord dingly dangly-ing above my head

and voila! no more tossing and turning, no more fretting and fidgeting and no more blearghy looking light cords distracting from peachy lamps. yippee!
footynote: perhaps you are thinking some images are rather blurry and Tif's not up to scratch, indeed that maybe so, but i like to think 'tis blurry eyesight from lack of sleep due to pesky light cords and nothing to do with my pants photography today

We adore Thee, O Christ!

I thought that perhaps some of our readers might like to hear this recording of our singing here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.  This rendition of Adoramus Te Christe, by G. P. da Palestrina, was sung during Mass this Palm Sunday, 24th March.

Adoramus te, Christe,
et benedicimus tibi,
quia per sanctam crucem tuam
redemisti mundum.

We adore Thee, O Christ,
And we bless Thee,
Who by Thy Holy Cross
hath redeemed the world.

The English-speaking seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP).
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, Denton, NE, USA

ordinary moments = extra~ordinary days

freshly painted window frame in kitchen gives a joyful outlook to the yard
early morning light highlights the windows need a clean but i care not
$4 snapdragons picked up whilst doing the grocery run and little olive having her morning nap
emerging signs of spring feeling quite at home in a thrift store find i happened across last year
the jolliest looking watering can, perfectly suited for important duties this coming spring
painted terracotta pots and old food cans make spring flowers feel loved
an indoor impromptu picnic, proving no matter how old your clan is, everyone loves a picnic
yes indeedy! 'tis the ordinary moments in ordinary days, when we stop still to notice, make them become extra~ordinary days...

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