goodness me! the joyful season is almost upon us!
this year my cunning plan is to do just a few jolly things around the shed, plonk the tree up (this time in front of a window by popular demand of clan members, year after year) and be done.
i do like a jolly crafty make or two this time of year and i particularly like ones of the 'easy peasy' variety. the sort you can do alongside of your little critters and small beings.
a little critter taking the job of pom pom 'looker afterer' very seriously, and quite rightly so, 'tis a job of the utmost importance |
this little recipe is an adaption of the 'quirky and jolly' string recipe in
our Granny Chic book. perfectly suited to a windy rainy afternoon, cuppa in hand, and little paws and small fingers enjoying 'feeling a little crafty'.
and just a note before i begin. just a thought, my 'jolly joyful' garland colours were inspired by my mexico trip, however you may wish to go with a full on joyful time of year colour theme or you can go like me, a little bit more eclectic. after the joyful season is over, consider removing the bling which points to recent festivities and replace with doodahs (word courtesy of my adopted auntie) more suited to a shiny fresh new year.
so with that all being said, a year round 'jolly joyful' garland recipe may commence...
* yarn
(in jolly colours of your choosing)
* pom pom making kit, various sizes
(can be the shop bought ones or old fashioned cardboard homemade ones)
* embroidery threads
(for stringing bling and doodahs)
* joyful bling from your joyful box bought down from the attic once a year
* anything else you wish to dingle dangle
(fake flowers, scraps of fabric, doilies etc)
* make as many pom poms as you care to make, if you have a specific place you will be hanging your 'jolly joyful' garland, perhaps the mantel piece or in a window then you may have to add or subtract once you start stringing together. be sure when making your pom poms you leave nice long tails from the yarn thread you used to secure your pom pom nicely so it does not fall apart on your 'voila! i made a pom pom' moment.
* one by one, tie your pom poms together using the string tails. leave a nice healthy gap between the pom poms. i myself prefer some closer than others, however you may prefer even gaps. now i have "mind the gap" voice from the london underground in my ears. so yes, heed that advice "mind the gap" so you have the perfect sized gaps you like and which are pleasing to your crafty heart. once done, this becomes the basis of your garland
note the nice healthy gap between pom poms, perfectly suited for a bit of festive bling to dingle dangle |
* hang your pom pom string up where it will be doing its job, hang it securely so when you step back to admire after the next few steps, it does not do a sigh and then fall to the ground under the weight of all that festive bling. gather together your other bits of joyful bling and start to hang between the gaps of the pom poms. this maybe a brilliant time to have small beings help out. they are very good at random and eclectic bling hanging. you will have to be on hand to hold them up if need be, some little beings being unable to reach if the garland is hung up high. and this would never do.
continue blinging until you can bling no more... |
* step back, admire your 'jolly joyful' garland and note how when the evening approaches, the hatches are battened down and its rather horrid outside, 'tis nothing but jolly and joyful inside thanks to some pom poms, a few crafty moments and box full of bling
all photos taken on dreary day, with lights on and frankly frank a little off colour (do you like how i blame frankly frank and not myself for the slightly pants photos! ha! good job he can't talk) but trust me, this jolly joyful garland is well worthy of a crafty moment or two